Art is Cool: “Tales of Auto Elasticity” by Chris Labrooy

We like art, especially art that involves cars. You know this if you’ve seen our post about Hetain Patel’s Fiesta that he turned into a robot sculpture.

So what is happening here? Well it’s a couple of old Ford F-150s folded and wrapped around each other in impossible ways.

This series is by Chris Labrooy, a digital artist.

The nice thing about art is that it often speaks for itself. And sometimes it’s just plain cool.

You can find the rest of the series on Labrooy’s website, along with his other works.

You should tell us which image is your favorite next time you’re at Leith Ford in the Raleigh area.

Art is Cool: “Tales of Auto Elasticity” by Chris Labrooy was last modified: March 23rd, 2022 by Leith Ford


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