How to Follow Through on Your New Year’s Resolutions

First of all: you can do this. It won’t be automatic, but it won’t take insane amounts of willpower either. Don’t set the bar too high A huge pitfall is trying to do too much. It’s easy to do your research, create a plan, and plunge headfirst into the icy waters of reality. Focus on […]

Sedan, SUV, or Truck: Which Is Right for You?

Automobiles have advanced so much technologically that your perceptions of a model type might need some updating. Think all SUVs are gas guzzlers? Think again. Think sedans can’t offer storage space? Think again. Think trucks need a V6 to get anything done? Think again. Below we break down our three model types in general terms. […]

Deep Breaths: Someone Keyed Your Car and You Will Be Okay

You have three options: Take care of it yourself Have a shop take care of it Make peace with it and watch some T.V. These options are listed in descending orders of stress. Option 1 will involve the most work, and unless you’re a patient person who enjoys thorny problems, it will almost certainly cause […]

How Your Phone Can Heat Your Car Better Than Your Car Key

During the winter, the cold makes your car’s heater more important than anything else. What you might not know is that cars have become more efficient over the years and don’t need as much help heating up. Still, there are a few things you can do to get warm in your car as fast as […]

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